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Image by Keith Luke

Legislative Tutorial on Zoom

Tue, Apr 25


Stephanie Anderson presents an hour-long Zoom tutorial on the legislative process, the Maine legislative website, and our CCRC legislative watch google doc. The legislative website and google doc are easy to use once you know how, and you can obtain a wealth of fascinating information by using them.

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Legislative Tutorial on Zoom
Legislative Tutorial on Zoom

Time & Location

Apr 25, 2023, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

About The Event

Stephanie Anderson will present an hour-long Zoom tutorial on the legislative process, the Maine legislative website, and our CCRC legislative watch google doc. The legislative website and the google doc are easy to use once you know how, and you can obtain a wealth of fascinating information if you regularly reference them.

Here are some frequently asked questions:

Q:  Is there a charge for this?

A:  No, its free!

Q:  Can I invite other people?

A:  Yes – feel free to forward to interested Republicans – town chairs, please forward to your town committee members.  All are welcome.

Q:  I don’t know if I will be able to attend, or which night I will be able to attend.  Must I RSVP?

A:  No, but it would be nice just so I know about how many to expect.

Q:  If I RSVP for Tuesday but then can’t make it, can I come on Thursday?

A:  Yes

Q:  Can I attend both nights?

A:  Yes

Q:  Is a passcode required?

A:  No, but I have set up a waiting room and will admit people -  your name and face is your entry ticket.

Q:  What will I learn if I attend?

A:  Oh, the places you will go!  You will learn how to get around the Maine Legislature website, how to look up bills and committees and testimonies and how to provide testimony and a bunch of other stuff.  Plus you will learn how to make better us of the Legislative Watch List on the  CCRC website.

Q:  Will I be able to ask questions?

A:  Yes

Q:  How do I attend?

A:  Tuesday night -

Thursday night -

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The mission of the Cumberland County Republican Committee is to recruit, train, elect and support Republican candidates in the interest of Cumberland County.

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Cumberland County Republican Committee 


54 Anderson Rd., Windham, ME 04062

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